Sun Plaza Shopping Center

Sun Plaza – Destinație de senzație  – 170 de magazine, zona dedicată food & fun cu acces facil

The Day of the Sun Rises in The South

21 Jun - 21 Jun
11:00 - 21:00

On June 21, the Day of the Sun, when everything shines more beautifully, yellow is the color that rewards you!
What do you have to do to win?
Come to Sun Plaza dressed in yellow or purchase an item of clothing in the same color (don’t forget the tax receipt!), present yourself at the booth on the ground floor, next to the main entrance, and you will be the owner of a #extra surprise prize!
*The prize is awarded only once if you meet both conditions!
**Prizes are awarded while stocks last

We are waiting for you between 11:00-21:00.

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