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Sun Challenge: Run to protect the turtles in Vacaresti Park!

29 Sep - 29 Sep
Esplanada Nord

Do not run after things that do not really matter! Instead, run for noble causes, such as the protection of water turtles in Vacaresti Delta.

On Sept. 29, Sun Plaza organizes the first edition of the Sun Challenge Cros, and the entries are officially open: You can sign up for one of the 2 contest distances: 10.4 km or 15.6 km.

Why turtles?

The competition has a pronounced ecological character and the money collected from the registration fees will go to the Văcăreşti Park Administration, which will use it in the preservation programs of the approximately 50 water turtles (Emis orbicularis) living in the Park.

The water tortoise is the only native semi-native tortoise species in Romania’s fauna and the ultimate goal is to provide them with all the conditions they need to conserve this species and to avoid extinction.

* The registration fee is 80 lei between 18 June – 18 July and 100 lei between 19 July and 21 September.

Get involved, a tortoise will thank you!

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