Sun Plaza Shopping Center

Sun Plaza – Destinație de senzație  – 170 de magazine, zona dedicată food & fun cu acces facil

Miratopia – Enter the Extra Sensory world

22 Jun - 11 Jul

Come to Miratopia, a unique space with interactive video projections, for those passionate about nature and digital technology

There are so many sensational destinations, but you can find the most extraordinary ones at Sun Plaza!

Together with National Geographic Romania we invite you on a unique journey, on 7 magical realms.

On the 1st floor of the mall, in the central area, you can enter the studio arranged with the help of a technology based on motion sensors, so that the video projections will change depending on your behavior. You will be able to make a journey through extraordinary realms, with amazing details inspired by the underwater, terrestrial world, from the sky, to outer space.

The journey begins with the Underwater World, where you will be able to interact with marine life. You will sit close to the sharks and play with the jellyfish.

You will continue the journey in a soothing terrestrial space, surrounded by huge sheaves of wheat and a beautiful sky.

You then step into the magical forest, a space inspired by fairy tales, with butterflies and fireflies, animals and bright trees.

The journey continues to the sky, where you will dance through the clouds and you will be able to change their shape.

On your next trip, your figure will turn to light.

After that, you will be able to step towards the Sun and interact with its surface, generating solar flares.

In the last stage, you will enter a cosmic space and walk among the planets.

The expedition promises to be a truly memorable one, with many emotions, smiles and moments that you will want to immortalize.

We invite you to enjoy a unique interactive experience, between June 22 and July 11, 2021.

You find the entrance to a magical world on the 1st floor, in the central area.

We are waiting for you!

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