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Festival Stories: The first independent children’s theater festival

9 Nov - 10 Nov
1st Floor

The Independent Theater Festival for Children will take place, for the first time in Romania, on November 9 and 10, in Sun Plaza and will include 10 theater performances, 10 theater workshops, a children’s book salon and a puppets exhibition.

The festival is in its first edition, and the plays are held differently: a bit more original, being intended for children between the ages of 3 and 10 years, but also for fans or theater specialists.

The event includes:

  • a competitive section, where 10 theater productions for children from various genres (dramatic, lyrical, choreographic, puppet theater) will compete. The jury of the competition consists of: Felicia Filip – director of Comic Opera for Children, Alina Teodorescu – deputy director of ExpoArts, Daniela Mihovici – director of the Puppet Theater in Brăila, Daniela Andrei – director, Cosmin Seleși – actor at the Ion Creangă Theater.
  • a non-competitive section where children will be able to enjoy the 10 theater workshops (scenic movement, improvisation, music, recognition of emotions, etc.), but also a puppets exhibition and a book salon dedicated to them. The publishing houses are Litera, Corint, RAO, Didactică Publishing House Publishing House, Story box, Carousel.
  • Sunny will also be present at the event, with a games workshop on Sunday from 11.30.

The activities take place between 11:30 am and 7:00 pm on the 1st floor in Sun Plaza. Click here for the detailed program of the festival.

Organizing partner: Akka Show
Lead Partner: Ansett Logistics
Media partnerships: GoKid, Itsy Bitsy.
Partner institutions: “Ion Creangă” Theater – Bucharest, Comic Opera for Children – Bucharest, Expo Arts, “Cărăbuș” Puppet Theater in Braila.

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