Sun Plaza Shopping Center

Sun Plaza – Destinație de senzație  – 170 de magazine, zona dedicată food & fun cu acces facil

Extra Nature for the best selfies

15 May - 23 May

Come and enjoy an #extra floral exhibition, in your favorite mall.
We have prepared for you 4 #extra colored set-ups, with the help of which we will bring nature closer to you.
And because it is the 10th year in which we manage to enjoy you with a lot of color and a special Flower Expo, this year we made sure that everything was #EXTRA!

Between May 15-23.
On the ground floor and first floor there will be a total of four #extra colored set-ups, as follows:
1. Curtain of Flowers, a curtain of floating flowers, like in fairy tales.
2. Telephone booth dressed in flowers, which looks more like an explosion of pastel flowers.
3. Arcade of flowers that will impress you with vivid and contrasting shades.
4. Urban jungle composed of exotic plants and flowers, which will transport you to a holiday location.

We are waiting for you to enjoy a fairytale exhibition, for the most beautiful selfies!

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