Sun Plaza Shopping Center

Sun Plaza – Destinație de senzație  – 170 de magazine, zona dedicată food & fun cu acces facil

Celebrate Sun’s Day with a twist!

18 Jun - 24 Jun
Ground Floor

Sun Plaza will turn into the House of the Sun between June 18-24, celebrating the World Sun Day, the longest day of the year, the solstice, and the Romanian traditions of this period. A new exhibition, for the first time in a shopping center “Iele”, but also a new concert Trei Parale” will put in the center the authentic Romanian art.

For a week, the multimedia exhibition by artist Ioana Niculescu-Aron will inspire us by translating the freedom and mystery of virgins with seductive force and magical powers. The exhibition will take place on the ground floor in Sun Atrium and consists of various elements:

  • “Caught in the Miracle of Remembrance,” a hexagonal light installation that uses the 3D technique to provide a complete experience;
  • “Defense of the Dacians”, a video performance made last night by Sânziene;
  • Multiple works that translate pagan superstitions and beliefs into a new form.

The Trei Parale Band, led by Florin Jordan, an ethnomusicologist at the Romanian Peasant Museum, completes the reinterpreted world of traditions through the show they will stage on June 23, starting at 18:00 on the 1st floor of the shopping center. The Romanian music is punctuated by influences of local minorities and authentic authentic instruments.


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