Sun Plaza Shopping Center

Sun Plaza – Destinație de senzație  – 170 de magazine, zona dedicată food & fun cu acces facil

8 Days of Guaranteed Fun to Celebrate Children’s Day!

28 May - 4 Jun

We look forward for 8 days of guaranteed fun with live butterflies and millions of soap bubbles.

For Children’s Day we offer the little ones not less than 8 days of fun like they have never seen before. Yes, yes, that’s right!

Starting May 28th, Sun Plaza becomes the most attractive place in the whole city, turning into a true entertainment realm and good will. We start with the Bubble Parade – an event that is also happening in 100 cities in 50 countries.

In a storytelling environment he little ones will receive bottles and wands with the “magical” soap solution. Thus, millions of soap bubbles will rise to the sky between 11:00-12:30 at the main entrance of Sun Plaza on the South Esplanade .

But this is just the beginning! Between June 1st and 4th , from 12:00 to 20:00 , a butterfly show is taking place in Sun Plaza. You can enter a specially designed tent where dozens of colorful butterflies can be seen and touched.

And that’s not all! On June 3rd and 4th , between the hours of 14:00 and 18:00 in a series of thematic workshops, kids will learn how to recycle and reuse paper, bottles, etc., learning to create toys or useful decorative objects. The “entry fee” consists of bringing a piece of paper or five plastic bottles that they can leave in two large boxes placed at the entrance to the workshop area.